Then the dreaming was interrupted with a responsibility check the next day. Realizing that we will only be at Ft. Benning for 3 years, and then move again, what would we do with the house? Yes we could try and sell it, and if that doesn't work rent it out. But what if we can't get a renter, how will we make the mortgage payment when our BAH is going towards our other home? How will we keep up on the house when we're thousands of miles away and have no family in Alabama to help us? These are the questions that filled my head, I'm definitely not a risk taker.
Granted we could stay at Ft. Benning for another 3 yrs. or so, Rande will have the freedom to choose where we go after this rotation (just a perk for being an RI). We would like to live somewhere else though. Joining the Army a little later in his career, we missed out on a few rotations to live in other places. This is one of the reason why we decided to fore go the National Guard and go active duty. We wanted to see and experience the US and/or World, and all the different cultures.
I have to say it was fun to look at the houses and see all our options. However, we have decided on post is best for us this time around. If the options on post weren't so lovely I think we would definitely look at renting off post, and perhaps take a risk in buying. Below are some of the types of houses we could possibly live in on post.

Click here, scroll down to the bottom of the page to Patton Village. You will see a link for "virtual tour - stand alone". There you can see another style, and what the inside is like. I really like this one. It has a breakfast area!
Well, if you can't live just a few doors down the street in the house the kids wanted to buy (the one for sale at Christmas time)~ I think you are making a wise decision. But you almost always do make wise decisions! :)
Oh Steph, my heart is with you on this issue. I think you are making the wisest financial decision not to buy a house considering that you plan to stay in the Army as active duty. But the wisest financial decision doesn't help that twinge in the heart.
ReplyDeleteI will be praying for you guys as you transition. Praying it is a fun and adventurous journey for you guys and that you fall in love with wherever God puts you. I know the Moorehead's LOVE on post living down there. I hope you will too!