Friday, January 14, 2011

Solution for World Peace and Global Warming (by Christian)

We are on our way home from swimming lessons the other night, and here is the conversation that took place:

Christian: "mom, you know the bomb that ended World War II?"

Me: "yes"

Christian: "well, when I'm president, I'm going to make another one and end this war in Afghanistan, if it's still going on."

Me: "oh really? and what else are you going to do?"

Christian: "I'm going to make money, and so everyone will always GET money but not have to pay for anything."

Me: "So everything is free?"

Christian: "yes, and then I'm going to make houses that don't need electricity, but we use those panels that get energy from the sun. ________________(pause)_________ but our back up energy for those cloudy days will be our own pee and poop."

Ashlee: "I thought you were going to be a helicopter pilot?"

Christian: "I'm going to be a helicopter pilot and president Ashlee, I can do both."

Ashlee: (sigh) "Well I'm just going to be an artist."


  1. I would have loved to hear that conversation! Thanks so much for sharing it. They are so cute. They are going to make amazing helicopter pilot/president and artist someday and maybe we will have the solution to world peace and global warming! Give those two a big hug for Grandma! Love you all!

  2. hahaha!!! so funny. i love his reasoning. especially the idea for our own pee and poop to provide our energy. =)

  3. ha ha ha ha ha! what a creative little man he is! i love that ashlee just wants to be an artist and christian is planning to conquer the world. what a sweetie.
