Saturday, April 17, 2010

Tigers Baseball

Christian had his first game Saturday. He did such a wonderful job, I am so proud of him. He played 2nd base, right field and catcher. He says to me, after playing catcher; "I feel like a robot with all that stuff on, it's cool!" - Catcher is his new favorite position.

The age group he's in is "Coach pitch" and they only get 4 balls thrown to them, then they are done. Christian went up to bat the first time and didn't hit the ball. He was a little bummed but I'm proud of his positive attitude and trying again. The second time up to bat, he hit the ball and eventually made it home. You should have seen the look on his face. What a huge smile he had crossing home plate. When he returned to the dug out he says, "mom aren't you proud of me?" I said "of course honey, I've very proud of you". He came over and asked if he could give me a hug. I was really shocked he asked, because lately it's been; "mom, stop it". He's at the age where he's starting to get a little embarrassed of his mom.

2nd base

1st and 2nd try batting


  1. Awww Aunt Christie is sooooo proud of you Chrisitan!! You look like a natural playing!!!!! I love also Steph that he asked you for a hug that is sooo sweet!!! You have such a sweet boy on your hands!!!! Love and miss you all very much!!!

    Love Always,
    Aunt Christie

  2. Grandma is very proud of you Christian. You are a good ball player. I am excited to come see you for your birthday.

    Love, Grandma

  3. nice hit buddy!

    uncle josh
