We are all SOOOOOOOOOO very excited to see him. It's been a long 7 months! Hopefully next weekend he will be home. Today Ashlee and I purchased "welcome home sign making equipment" - she's my little artist. I will keep you updated so keep checking the blog and/or facebook. I'll post pics (and video) too - so don't forget to check out our photo website.... Henderson Photography - professional isn't it?
One thing, before I conclude. Ashlee has a devotional book we read to her every night. Some nights I feel as if God is really speaking to ME. Well, tonight was yet another wake up call, and here is how it goes:
Take a Rest
Zoe says it's time for a nap (picture of little girl tucking in her stuffed animals). Do you ever get so tired that you just can't stay awake? sometimes we get tired because we need to sleep. People can also get tired when they have a lot of problems. Thinking about problems all day long can make us feel tired and sad. Jesus wants us to talk to him about our problems. he can help us. When we share our problems with Jesus, it's like taking a nap.
Bible Verse:
Come to me, all of you who are tired and have heavy loads. I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
My prayer:
Thank you, Jesus, for giving me rest. Talking to you is always the best.

We all are soooo excited about him coming home! I can't wait to see the welcome home pictures!!!
Aunt Christie