Despite Rande not being able to join us, it was such a blessed Christmas and New Year. We loaded the car and drove home to Helena, spent some time with friends, Nana and Papa, Grandpa Howeth and "Kit-Kat Grandpa/Grandma". (They are called this by Christian and Ashlee because since they were little Grandma always has Kit-Kat's). We then headed to Missoula, and had Christmas with my Brother and his family, my parents, sister, and Grandparents (aka Kit-Kat Grandpa/Grandma).
Here are a few blessings I'd like to share:
THE YOUNGI have to say that Tucker (my nephew) stole my heart. This was his first Christmas and I feel so honored to have spent it with him. Even though waking up to "bah bah bah BAHHHHH!" at 6 am (with only 6 hours of sleep) wouldn't be an ideal wake up call. It was music to my ears and very much welcomed when I saw his cute little face smile at me. I adore him!
Watching MY Grandmother play with her great-grandchildren. She is 70 and as I watched her run and chase them, she seemed 20 years old to me. What a joy and blessing to have such vibrant, young grandparents that my children will remember for a lifetime.
My dad was another story. Dad can always make me laugh, even when I'm mad, sad, being stubborn, etc. We went sledding at Lolo pass, when my dad; thinking he was 20 still, flew down a steep hill and into the air landing on his tail bone. You may think I am cruel for laughing, but it was funny to watch from above. Thank you dad for always keeping it interesting, I love you!
Last Christmas my mother-in-law was very sick. She was going through chemotherapy, and could hardly get up out of her chair, and eat with us. This year it was a huge blessing and brought happiness to my heart watching her play with the kids, decorate cookies, and be herself again. We love her so much and are so grateful she is here enjoying life with us all. We love you Nana!
I always enjoy seeing our friends back home. Even though we may not contact each other daily over the phone like we use to, we always pick up where we left off as if nothing has changed. This year I was able to see a friend of mine, whom I haven't seen since high school. We were good friends back then and lost contact. However, thanks to facebook - we were able to reconnect again. It's like nothing has changed, even after children, husbands, and distance, we are still the best of friends...and those are true friendships that last a lifetime.
TECHNOLOGY AND MY HUSBANDRande is thousands of miles away, in a land that has very few advances into the current world of technology that we all live in. But, thank you to the Army and civilian contractors who worked so hard setting up computers, etc. we were able to "be together on Christmas day". He watched us open presents, and it was almost as if he was "really there". I am forever grateful for the men/women who work very hard to set up communication in some of the worst terrain. Communication with my husband is vital for the soldier and his family.
I hope you enjoyed hearing of the blessings that surrounded me over the holidays. I hope you were blessed as well.
All where my blessing this Christmas too! We must be twins, as Dad would say:) Love all the pictures.
Sounds like all and all your Christmas was great... Seeing Ashlee in front of the computer showing her daddy stuff brings tears to my eyes! I am happy this is all almost over for you :) You are a strong woman.
ReplyDeleteIt was a wonderful Christmas and we loved having everyone here. Like you said it was almost like having Rande here with the modern technology. I think that was probably one of the biggest highlights for me this year! Love and miss you all.