There were moments when my instinct didn't kick in and I had no clue what was wrong with him, then I would rely on my mom or other's for advice.
So when that "gut feeling" or "instinct" kicks in and you know with your heart and every fiber in your being that something is wrong, or you know a solution, or whatever it may be....GO WITH IT! 9.9/10 times you are right!
2. Enjoy your baby/babies. Take every opportunity to video tape, or capture moments on camera. They go by so fast. The dishes can wait until they are in bed, the laundry can be folded when they are napping. A semi-cleaned house will have to do when you have children. I sent too much time focusing on a "perfect house" and "perfect appearance", that I missed some great opportune moments with my only go back in time.
3. Don't be obsessive. Schedules are important for babies and for your sanity. I believe in schedules but not to the point where you turn into the wicked witch because the schedule is off. Don't allow them to control your life, but rather to set the standard and realize that there will be days when the schedule will be completely thrown out the window and that's ok. It's all how you react to it, that will influence your entire day and your baby.
4. Rock a bye baby. I know that babywise and other books out their say to put your baby on a schedule and allow them to self sooth themselves to sleep. I'm telling you to snuggle that baby. I rocked both my kids to sleep in the evenings until they no longer would allow me. I think Christian was 1 1/2 yrs and Ashlee was younger, perhaps 10-12 months old. She was quite the wiggler. However, those are some of the most precious moments with my children. They sleep great now and I do not regret it, not once.

Here are my babies shortly after Ashlee was born. Christian was being a good big brother and cautiously caring for his sister. He was so sweet.
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