Saturday, May 25, 2013

Yay Baby Seester

I was on a roll with this blogging thing, then bam! The door is shut and silence. I went to Montana to see my sister (baby) graduate from college. Since being back home I had my final week of classes, my parents here, Christian's birthday, Mother's Day, volunteering at the kids' school, and trying to put my house back on the clean list. So....that's why I've been bad about blogging.

Back to my sister's graduation. I'm so proud of here. She has such a heart for children, especially those with special needs. She has struggled through school her while life and had to take a break from college to care for our mom at one point. She is so selfless and giving. It was such a great opportunity to celebrate her and her achievement together a a family. My parents were very gracious and bought me and my brother plane tickets to come see her graduate. I wish we could've all been there- but it was neat to have the "original family" together again. I think the last time it was the five of us, it was 1999.


  1. We all need breaks from blogging to live life. Congrats to your sister I am hoping her major is teaching special education kids and she gets a job in Helena. My niece will be entering the education system in three years and I know her teachers will make a lifelong impression. Glad you are back let the summer adventures begin.

  2. Thanks girly. She is applying everywhere but may stay in Billings. Wherever she goes she will be amazing!
