I swear there was still 2 months until Christian's birthday. Today I looked at the calandar and nope....2 weeks! AHHH! I am so excited to do his party this year, because last year was kind of a drag. I will admit, with Rande deployed I was a little out of the "celebration" spirit (bad mom, I know). So this year with us moving and his party, I was going to do it big. I reserved the community center a month ago and looked online for some ideas. Christian wants a baseball themed party. Here are some of the ideas I found:

I think we'll serve hot dogs wrapped in foil like at the ball park, have popcorn and other ball park favorites. Then we'll have a good old fashioned baseball game and pinata.
So, what do you think? Any other ideas, suggestions? I know there are some crafty moms out there that read this blog.I better work on the invites by this weekend.
What a fun idea! I love it! You will have a blast with that lady. I like what you have here. Everything is too cute! You could make pennants and do all sorts of crafty things. I hope Cooper starts liking baseball so I can do this one year too. :D Can't wait to read the post about how it goes down. You'll really knock it out of the park...he he he he he he