Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I see all over facebook, people writing what they are thankful for each day for the month of November. It is such a great idea, and I'm glad everyone is taking a step back and looking at the blessings God has bestowed on them. I started to examine my own life and realized I take so much for granted, and don't realize what I'm blessed with.

My children:

Recently my mom told me of a neighbor who's little boy (2 yrs old) has a brain tumor and will possibly not make it to Christmas, or even Thanksgiving. It is so sad and my heart breaks for this family. So many days I take for granted the fact that my children are healthy. Yes, they may drive me crazy some days, but those days I wouldn't trade for anything.


I am so thankful that I have my husband here, safe and sound. There were so many 'close calls', last year, but he's here. God shows me again and again that he has so much more in store for Rande, he's not finished with him yet. I thank God every day; even the days Rande drives me up the wall, that I have someone to share life's joys, sorrows, and exciting, moments with


Rande's job has been pretty stressful lately. I said to him the other day to just remember how blessed we are to have a job. Our country is hurting economically right now and people are losing their jobs, and homes. There may be some downfalls with the ARMY as an employer but we have a home, food, clothes, job security and are blessed with a little extra each month.


Moving to Georgia has really made me open my eye and see how blessed I am to have family within a day's drive away. My brother, sister, and nephew (soon to be nephew/niece) are less than 4 hrs away. My parents (sister) are only 8 hrs away, and just 2 more hours we are at Rande's parents, and my Grandparents. Tickets from Georgia to Montana will run us $2400, I don't' think we'll be making multiple trips to Montana throughout the year.


I'm so humbled by our Savior's love and forgiveness. He is gracious to forgive me even when I am such a mess, and filthy. He never ceases to amaze me by taking care of us, blessing us with so much more than we deserve. He is truly my best friend, and I long for the moments I am able to spend with him; learning, praising and just being with him. He is my refugee through life's storms.

So what are you thankful for this year?


  1. I am so blessed and moved to read your post this morning. I am thankful for you my precious daughter. Amen! and Amen!
    Love you much!
    Love, Mom

  2. I am thankful for Jesus and for the way He continues to love and accept me even when I'm crabbing about the future! I'm thankful that even deep down, I know He is the one to take care of us and will make sure everything is ok, and I'm thankful the journey He has brought us on in this life together. I'm thankful for my friends like you and for how special those bonds are to my heart. Thanks for this post!

  3. I am thankful for the worlds greatest sister!!!!! YOU!!!!!!

    Love You,
