On Saturday his Den went to the Lakewood Police Department. It was very humbling being in a police station, especially Lakewood, WA. A year ago on November 29th there were 4 Lakewood Police officers that were shot and killed while at a coffee shop. It made national news and was quite a shock to the community. They have done a great job remembering those officers that were killed.
When our kids were younger, they would say the cutest things. Now that they are a little older you think the cuteness would've worn off, but it hasn't. Christian said the funniest thing the other day.
Scenario: Ashlee just got out of the shower, and was getting dressed. She only had her shirt on, and door open to her room. Christian is in his room, right across the hall playing with his toys. He looks up and sees his sister half dressed dancing around and says (serious tone) "that's awkward". I died laughing.
Then again today on the way to school, he says to me:
"Mom, I hate homework, why do we have it?"
I replied, "Well, homework reinforces what you learned in school, it helps keep the information in your head. I wish I would have done my homework when I first got home from school. Then I probably would have had better grades. I want you and Ashlee to have better grades than I did, OK?"
Thinking about what I said, "O.K. mom, I'm going to take your advice".