Thursday, June 3, 2010

Birthday Cakes and Mud pies

Sorry it's been soooooo long since I've blogged. We have been busy like usual, and quite frankly, I've been a little lazy about it. :) These pictures are a little out of order (it's been a while since I blogged) -

I did a 5k "down and dirty mud run" here on post on May 15th. We all had such a great time. Here are a few pictures. Olina, Tara, Mary, Becky and me
Onlina made us shirts

Us after the run...I had to wash my hair 3 times to get all the mud out
Even though Rande was thousands of miles away in Afghanistan, the kids wanted to celebrate daddy's birthday. So we bought cupcakes from coldstone. Every year for Rande's birthday we always buy a coldstone ice cream cake. We couldn't break tradition.
Christian feeding daddy

Birthday card send via email to daddy

3 3
There are more pictures on our photography website. Apparantly I don't have permission to rotate my pictures.
My brother, sister-in-law, Tucker and parents came down for Christian's birthday. We took a trip to Seattle, saw a Mariner's game, had coffee, lunch and a little shopping.
Can't go wrong with Star Wars
Christian, Grandpa, and Daddy
Howeth Family
Christian and his "halo" cake.
Here is a video of the kids singing happy birthday to Rande. Like I said, a bit out of order. Please check our webiste (Henderson Photography) for more pictures and videos!


  1. They all are sweat pictures especially the video of the kids singing Happy Birthday to Rande!!! Wish I was there for Christians Birthday!!! Love & miss you all!!!


  2. All I can say is I have adorable grandchildren! I'm sure daddy will be so pleased. Mommy, I always said you look good in mud! :) I'm proud of you! Love on the kids and yourself for me!
    Love, Mom
