School started here about a month ago. I know, I'm just now posting pictures :(
I kind of felt bad for the kids having to start school so soon, and only having a 5 week summer. Also during those 5 weeks we were moving and life was in chaos.
The schools here on post are DODEA schools, which means they are civilians that run US and overseas schools for the military. They aren't on every post in the US, mainly those east of the Mississippi river. We are all trying to adjust to the new rules, regulations, etc. So far Ashlee is loving it, and made lots of friends. Christian is struggling, but we are hoping to see some improvements soon. Please pray for him. He hasn't made any friends, and is really having a hard time adjusting.
Aside from all that, here are those cute little faces on their first day of school
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Our new addition
We have added a new member to the Henderson clan. His name is Tiger (named by Ashlee). He has no tail, just a bob - was born that way. Tiger was born in April, so he's still quite the kitten.
Since moving into the house, we had quite a problem with roaches. We were told by some good friends of ours that cats help with the insect control. Since having Tiger there haven't been too many sightings. We have tried a couple dogs and haven't had that much luck with them. Tiger is a great addition and has fit it purrrfectly (excuse the pun). I have promised Christian that we will get a dog, but after Christmas. The kids love Tiger and well, so do Rande and I. Here are a few pictures of the little rascal.
Here is a little info on Tiger:
1.he likes to scratch the furniture
2.he sleeps with Rande and I, and attacks our feet in the middle of the night
3.he has taken a liking to me (steph) mostly
4.he is quite the talker and whiner
5.he turns into Dr. Jykll at exactly 10 pm.
6. his favorite toy is the ring off the milk carton
Since moving into the house, we had quite a problem with roaches. We were told by some good friends of ours that cats help with the insect control. Since having Tiger there haven't been too many sightings. We have tried a couple dogs and haven't had that much luck with them. Tiger is a great addition and has fit it purrrfectly (excuse the pun). I have promised Christian that we will get a dog, but after Christmas. The kids love Tiger and well, so do Rande and I. Here are a few pictures of the little rascal.

Here is a little info on Tiger:
1.he likes to scratch the furniture
2.he sleeps with Rande and I, and attacks our feet in the middle of the night
3.he has taken a liking to me (steph) mostly
4.he is quite the talker and whiner
5.he turns into Dr. Jykll at exactly 10 pm.
6. his favorite toy is the ring off the milk carton
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Are. We. There. Yet?
Sorry I've been M.I.A for the past couple months. The move has totally wiped me out and things have been hectic. We didn't have internet for almost a month, and then school started right away here in Georgia. I feel like things are becoming more normal for the Hendersons. Well as "normal" as things get in the Army.
Here we go way back to the end of May, actually Memorial Day weekend. It's crazy to think it's been that long, because Labor Day weekend is just around the corner!
After we cleared housing we spent the holiday weekend at my brothers in Corvallis, OR. We welcomed a new member to the Howeth family in May....Eden Mae Howeth. She is just gorgeous! Very petite, sweet, and I miss her and Tucker :(
Here is Uncle Rande holding Eden. I tried convincing him we needed another one, but no luck
Good morning Tucker! I tried helping the 2nd x new parents by getting up with Tuck and spending some time with him. I miss him :(. Cheerios, Chocolate milk and coffee were our morning ritual. The coffee was for Tucker, right Liz? He is such a fun little guy and melts my heart
After we left Josh and Liz's we headed to Great Wolf Lodge in Grand Mound, WA. This was our second time there, and was kind of a celebration of Ashlee getting her cast off. We had tons of fun! Christian kept his wrist band on until just last week. He was going for a world record
Ashlee was scared to go down the slide at first, but that quickly dissipated
This is Christian and his "friend". It was a girl whom he ran around with all day long. He was quite disappointed when she left. Too cute!
Taking a moment to get a quick picture in
We stayed in the hotel on Ft. Lewis for 3 weeks so the kids could finish a few more weeks of school. On the 17th of June we began our journey across country.
First stop, Missoula, MT! We stayed with my parents for a few days and spent Father's day with my Dad. I think it had been several years since I was able to be with him. It was a special and relaxing day. It was the 2nd Father's day we have spent with Rande in 9 years. - so extra special!
We hiked the "M"
beautiful view of Missoula
the crew
Then we headed to Helena, to spend time with Rande's parents and friends. I wanted to stop in Deer Lodge and show the kids and Rande were I lived for 4 years as a kid. We visited the Old Prison Museum that I never went to in the 4 years we lived there. It was so fun and neat!
being bad
always good. :) Ashlee was too scared to go in the cell
We saw Aunt Shelly (Rande's sister if you can't tell)
cousins Hunter and Toston (Shelly's boys)
After we visited a few days in Helena, we wanted to take the kids to Yellowstone. Rande and I both have been but the kids hadn't. They loved it and it was a super fun day!
Lower Falls. It was quite the hike down - my legs were shaking it was so steep and the kids had quite the climb back up. But they were troopers!
Old Faithful
On our way back to Livingston we saw this, and thought it was funny. Although I had never seen these rivers in Montana this high, ever! It was really green and beautiful though
We headed to Mt. Rushmore the next day after Yellowstone. Here is a picture of the Bad Lands. it was very usual weather when we went through. We could have worn pants and sweatshirts. But the land was very cool and fun to see.
MT. Rushmore! We made it to Rapid City late afternoon. Our intent was to see the light show they had that evening. As we arrived there was a huge thunderstorm headed our way. After the gift shop we headed toward the mountain and over the loud speaker they told us to head indoors due to severe weather. It was a really nasty storm, the kids were scared, so as any good parent does, we bought them ice cream in the restaurant. After the storm passed we made it just in time for the light show. It was very cool and I mean that literally. :) There was also quite a light show off to our right (lightning).
Prior to the storm. Just so you understand how tiered we were. This is after driving in the car from Livingston, MT to Rapid City, SD. Very long drive!
Beautiful sunset, and handsome boy
After leaving Rapid City, SD we had our longest drive yet. I seriously think SD is the longest state, just saying. We drove all the way to Omaha, NE and stayed at Offut AFB. For $39!!! Gotta love the military pricing. This is a B52 outside the gate to Offut AFB. Christian and Rande were in awe!
After leaving Offut, we passed over a bridge over the Missouri River. It was crazy all the flooding we saw. It added about 4 hours to our trip, but the detour took us to some cute little country towns in Iowa (corn fields, and all)
Here we go way back to the end of May, actually Memorial Day weekend. It's crazy to think it's been that long, because Labor Day weekend is just around the corner!
After we cleared housing we spent the holiday weekend at my brothers in Corvallis, OR. We welcomed a new member to the Howeth family in May....Eden Mae Howeth. She is just gorgeous! Very petite, sweet, and I miss her and Tucker :(
I am so lame. I'm realizing now how many pictures I DIDN'T take. Hopefully this will be a lesson learned. But we have some amazing friends we made while stationed at Ft. Lewis - THE NEVILS! They were so kind to invite us to stay with them on our journey down to Ft. Benning. I wish we could have stayed an extra day or two. St. Louis sounds so fun. Tiffany was telling us how there are so many FREE things to do. We will definitely go visit them again. It is only 12 hours away! We sure loved their hospitality and friendship, they mean a lot to us and were such a blessing and gift from God.
After the Nevils we traveled to Nashville! This is the stop I was looking forward to. We visited the Hermitage (Andrew Jackson's home). Here are the kiddos listening to their audio tour. They truly enjoyed it because there was a parrot that narrated a "kid version" of the tour.
After a week in the hotel, living in an empty house for 1 1/2 weeks, movers, and unpacking we are all settled in our house. I'll post pictures on the blog soon. Like I said, there is a lot of catching up to do! Thank you for all your prayers for safe travels. The kids traveled wonderfully, I think I was more anxious than they were. We made it without one problem - God is sure good!
We wanted to make it to the Grand ol Oprey and Country Music Hall of Fame. However, we were so exhausted we slept in until 930am, went to the Hermitage and spent 3 hours there. By the time we were done, it was almost closing time. So we took the kids to the science center instead. We are planning a trip back to Nashville while we are here. It's only 6 hours away I think. I'm hoping to get my Sister-in-law here and take her! (wink, wink)
After Nashville we stopped at my friend Emily's house in Alabama. She is another blessing in our lives whom we met in Ft. Lewis. That woman amazes me every day! Again, I didn't take any pictures :( boo me!
Army Life
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